- Concrete Batching Plants
- Stationary Concrete Plant
- Mobile Concrete Plant
- Mini Concrete Batching Plant
- Compact Concrete Batching Plant
- Precast Concrete Batching Plant
- Concrete Mixer
STATIONARYConcrete Batching Plant
MOBILEConcrete Batching Plant
MINIConcrete Batching Plant
COMPACTConcrete Batching Plant
PRECASTConcrete Batching Plant
MIXERConcrete Mixer
- Concrete Distribution Group
- Tower Crane
10 Tons
- Crushing Plant
Crushing Plant
- Earth Moving Machine
Earth Moving Machine
BACKHOE LOADEREarth Moving Machine
What Should Be Considered When Buying a Tower Crane?
The tower crane usually consists of many different parts. These may include the following:
Tower: The tower is the main structure that determines the height and carrying capacity of cranes. The tower is usually made of steel or concrete.
Lifting Boom: The lifting boom is the main component that carries the load handled by the crane hook.
Hooks: Hooks are used to lift and carry loads. Cranes often have more than one hook, and these can be of different capacities and sizes.
Engine: The engine is the power source that provides the movement of the cranes. It can be electric or hydraulic engines.
Rails: The crane moves on the rails to ensure its movement. The rails are specially designed according to the dimensions and shape of the area where the crane will be mounted.
Control Box: The control box is a control panel used to control crane movements. The operator controls the crane movements through this panel.
Brakes: The brakes employed in cranes are an important safety feature to control the movement of the crane. Brakes are used to stop or slow down the movement of the crane.
Stabilizers: Since cranes are used in the construction of high-rise structures, they need stabilizers to maintain the stability of the crane. Stabilizers help to fix the crane and prevent it from moving.
These components form the overall structure of tower cranes. However, the components and features of different types of tower cranes may exhibit variation.