- Concrete Batching Plants
- Stationary Concrete Plant
- Mobile Concrete Plant
- Mini Concrete Batching Plant
- Compact Concrete Batching Plant
- Precast Concrete Batching Plant
- Concrete Mixer
STATIONARYConcrete Batching Plant
MOBILEConcrete Batching Plant
MINIConcrete Batching Plant
COMPACTConcrete Batching Plant
PRECASTConcrete Batching Plant
MIXERConcrete Mixer
- Concrete Distribution Group
- Tower Crane
10 Tons
- Crushing Plant
Crushing Plant
- Earth Moving Machine
Earth Moving Machine
BACKHOE LOADEREarth Moving Machine
How To Install a Concrete Batching Plant
Concrete batching plants installation is a rather complex process, and many factors must be considered. You can find below a guide that outlines the installation steps of a typical concrete batching plant:
Selection of Location: The concrete batching plant should be located in the correct position for optimum performance. More often than not, concrete batching plants are positioned close to the construction site and must be protected from exposure to environmental factors, especially wind and sunlight.
Preparation of Foundation: The foundation of the concrete batching plant should be prepared. The foundation must be sturdy and durable enough to accommodate heavy equipment and high-capacity components. The dimensions of the foundation are determined in compliance with the technical specifications provided by the manufacturer of the concrete batching plant,.
Reinforcement and Formwork Works: The concrete plant foundation should be prepared with reinforcement and formwork works. These processes are carried out by placing concrete on site.
Installation of Batching Plant: The components of the concrete batching plant must be moved to the location of the plant. Installation of the batching plant must be carried out in accordance with the technical instructions provided by the manufacturer of the concrete batching plant. In this step, the assembly of aggregates, silos, weighing systems, conveyor belts, mixer and other components is carried out.
Electrical and Pneumatic Connections: After the components of the concrete batching plant are connected to each other, the installation of electrical and pneumatic systems must be performed. Components such as control panel, water tank, generator, and pneumatic systems are installed.
Tests and Trial Production: After the concrete batching plant installation is completed, trial production is carried out to test the production capacity of the concrete. Tests are conducted to assess the performance and quality of the batching plant.
Based on the fact that concrete batching plants are complex facilities, an experienced team and the right equipment are required in their installation. The installation of the concrete batching plant must be compliant with the manufacturer’s instructions. It is also highly important to work in accordance with safety and quality standards.