- Concrete Batching Plants
- Stationary Concrete Plant
- Mobile Concrete Plant
- Mini Concrete Batching Plant
- Compact Concrete Batching Plant
- Precast Concrete Batching Plant
- Concrete Mixer
STATIONARYConcrete Batching Plant
MOBILEConcrete Batching Plant
MINIConcrete Batching Plant
COMPACTConcrete Batching Plant
PRECASTConcrete Batching Plant
MIXERConcrete Mixer
- Concrete Distribution Group
- Tower Crane
10 Tons
- Crushing Plant
Crushing Plant
- Earth Moving Machine
Earth Moving Machine
BACKHOE LOADEREarth Moving Machine
Concrete Batching Plant Prices?
Concrete Batching Plant prices are determined depending on many factors, and these factors include the following:
Capacity: The production capacities of concrete batching plants are an important factor playing a significant role in determining the prices. A high-capacity concrete batching plant may be sold at higher prices.
Equipment: The equipment of the concrete batching plants also affects prices.
Local market conditions: Concrete batching plant prices also depend on local market conditions. The balance of demand and supply, the level of competition, the supply chain and other factors play a significant role in determining prices.
Equipment features: The characteristics of the equipment used in concrete batching plants also are another factor affecting the prices. For example, a concrete batching plant with high-quality equipment may prove higher prices. Especially in the working areas in cold regions, there is a need for coating. This leads to an increase in the material used, rendering the labor process more arduous. This is one of the factors that increases the price.
Handling and Transportation: Transporting, installing, and getting concrete batching plants ready for operation is a critical process that requires expertise. Failure to proceeded correctly may lead to additional costs. At Pi Makina, thanks to our wide supply network and expert business partners, we ship the concrete batching plant and all construction machines to the work site in a precise, cost-effective, fast, and safe manner, and carry out their installation with perfect workmanship.
Brand New Concrete Batching Plant Price
Prices of brand-new concrete batching plant vary depending on the type of plant. The price of the concrete batching plant often varies according to its capacity. For instance, mini concrete batching plants are the cheapest concrete batching plants. They are capable of placing approximately 30 m3 of concrete per hour, and its prices start from 50,000.00-60,000.00 Euros. Batching plants producing 250m3 and more per hour cost up to 500,000.00 Euros. The price of the Concrete Batching Plant is also affected by the components that make up the facility. The size of the bunker used, the number and size of the silos, whether the batching plant has a coating, whether cooling or heating systems are used affect the price of the batching plant.
Second-Hand Concrete Batching Plant Prices
Like brand-new concrete batching plants, the price of a second-hand concrete batching plant is determined by both its capacity and the components used. The important factor here is the hours of operation of the concrete plant and whether its maintenance is conducted regularly. While the mixer internal wear-components of well-maintained plants does not entail replacement, many components of non-maintained concrete plants must be replaced and end up with higher costs. Therefore, when purchasing a second-hand concrete batching plant, you can request expert’s service from the manufacturer. Depending on the year and operation status, the prices of second-hand concrete batching plants vary between 50.000 Euros and 150.000 Euros.