- Concrete Batching Plants
- Stationary Concrete Plant
- Mobile Concrete Plant
- Mini Concrete Batching Plant
- Compact Concrete Batching Plant
- Precast Concrete Batching Plant
- Concrete Mixer
STATIONARYConcrete Batching Plant
MOBILEConcrete Batching Plant
MINIConcrete Batching Plant
COMPACTConcrete Batching Plant
PRECASTConcrete Batching Plant
MIXERConcrete Mixer
- Concrete Distribution Group
- Tower Crane
10 Tons
- Crushing Plant
Crushing Plant
- Earth Moving Machine
Earth Moving Machine
BACKHOE LOADEREarth Moving Machine
Concrete Batching Plant Installation
Concrete Batching Plants are installed by the manufacturer company unless the customer requests otherwise. Pi Makina, which has been working on the area where the company will establish the concrete plant, sends a layout plan to the company. After the customer pours concrete according to this plan, the plant assembly starts step by step. The installation of a concrete batching plant starts with the assembly process of the main chassis. Depending on the type of concrete plant, it can be sent to the place where it will be installed in the form of disassembly. After the assembly of the concrete plant is completed, the plant is placed on the concrete legs with the help of a crane. The anchors on the concrete plant legs are used to fix the plant to the concrete.
Afterwards, the silos are placed on the concrete feet laid according to the concrete project and fixed to the concrete. The spirals that provide the transfer of cement to the concrete plant are connected between the silo plant at appropriate angles. The distance between the concrete of the Concrete Plant main chassis concrete and the concrete of the silo was sent to the company in the concrete plan.
After the aggregate hopper and aggregate feeding band are placed on the concrete floor in the same way, the settlement is completed. Then, all loadcells used in the switchboard are calibrated. The automation system is checked and the plant is made ready for the first operation. After the trials, the plant is ready for ready mixed concrete production.
After this stage, the concrete batching plant is delivered to the customer. The operation and efficiency of the concrete batching plant can be controlled by remote access to the automation system, if desired.
Afterwards, the silos are placed on the concrete feet laid according to the concrete project and fixed to the concrete. The spirals that provide the transfer of cement to the concrete plant are connected between the silo plant at appropriate angles. The distance between the concrete of the Concrete Plant main chassis concrete and the concrete of the silo was sent to the company in the concrete plan.
After the aggregate hopper and aggregate feeding band are placed on the concrete floor in the same way, the settlement is completed. Then, all loadcells used in the switchboard are calibrated. The automation system is checked and the plant is made ready for the first operation. After the trials, the plant is ready for ready mixed concrete production.
After this stage, the concrete batching plant is delivered to the customer. The operation and efficiency of the concrete batching plant can be controlled by remote access to the automation system, if desired.