Safety Features Required in Tower Cranes
Tower cranes are a powerful equipment used to transport material in construction and industrial areas at high levels. However, some safety precautions need to be taken during the operation of tower cranes. Here are some safety precautions to take on tower cranes:
The crane operator must be trained and certified.
The crane must be correctly selected and positioned in accordance with the capacity of the load.
Maintenance and repair of the tower crane should only be carried out by trained personnel.
The crane should not be used in bad weather conditions, such as wind and thunderstorms.
During operation, appropriate warning signs and signs should be placed in the work area.
During the use of the crane, sufficient space and a safe working area must be provided around the crane.
The crane must be equipped with appropriate braking systems.
The hooks of the cranes must be properly fastened, and the necessary safety measures must be taken to prevent fall of the material.
The crane operator must be attentive to the people around him when lifting or transporting the load.
Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) should be used during crane use. This is important for the safety and health of workers.